Tag: Theory

The Major Scale – Foundation Knowledge

The Major Scale - What It Is And Why It's Important The major scale is one of the primary tonalities in western music……as such, it's a really important musical tool which everyone should understand, and it's components should be part of every musicians vocabulary. In essence the major scale is...

Notation on Bass Guitar – Reading Music

Reading Notes/Notation - A Dying Art? Many, many musicians who play modern music, especially on fretted instruments such as guitar and bass, have a real weak spot when it comes to reading notation or "dots". The thing that really confuses me is the unwillingness of many musicians to even consider...

Intervals – Building Blocks of Music

Intervals - The Distance Between Notes Intervals are one of the most important constituent parts of music, in my opinion, and yet many students do not understand what I am talking about when I mention intervals during lessons. This is why I have written this post, to provide an online...